May 31, 2012

Back and on Fire -- Ogbono Soup

My kitchen was getting cold and my hunger to cook was heating up. I know what you’re thinking: “where have you been Miss Lyn?” Let’s just say that I had something cooking in my oven...

My taste buds and Bruno’s were jumping for joy when I announced that I was making ogbono soup (pronounced O-BO-NO for my Canadian friends). I’ve been an ogbono soup virgin for many years now; I've always enjoyed eating it, but never attempted to concoct a pot of my own. I decided to cook like a scientist, first thing was to carefully observe my mother-in-law cook it (she cooks fast so you have to observe very well or else you will miss a step or two). I’ve been a scientist for many years so I knew that after careful observation that I was ready to leap into the procedure and experiment with my own pot.

Similar to egusi soup which is made from melon seeds, ogbono soup is made from wild mango seeds. Remember that everyone has their own way of cooking the same food; here is my version of ogbono soup.