June 23, 2011

It’s All About The Beans: Moi Moi

Beans, how many ways can you cook them? Why not try steaming them to create bean cakes -- Moi Moi. It didn't seem that appealing to me -- having to soak black eye beans in hot water for 12 to 24 hours and then spending another 2 hours peeling the beans, it’s not easy -- but all worth it in the end. Like most beans, black-eyed beans are rich in the best sort of fiber - soluble fiber - which helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. They are a good source of potassium, copper, phosphorous and manganese. As a high-potassium, low-sodium food they help reduce blood pressure. Though this dish sounds French: Moi Moi meaning Me Me, don’t be fooled by the name, it’s not all about you, it’s all about the beans!

June 15, 2011

Savoury Sausage Rolls

Does your stomach ever hunger for a savoury snack -- something with a flaky crust and a meaty filling? This recipe might be the answer to your craving. Sausage rolls to Nigerians are like hamburgers to Canadians; they are extremely popular and almost every fast food restaurant has their own version. Sausage rolls are a distinctive Nigerian snack (also common in many European countries), often made from ground sausage meat and pastry.

June 12, 2011

Finger-Lickin' Butter Tarts

Prepare to indulge your taste buds with a finger-lickin' dessert. Did you know that butter tarts are considered one of Canada’s quintessential desserts? As far back as I can remember my mom was baking butter tarts -- which is the reason why I've never eaten a butter tart from the store. This dessert is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth (or possibly create a few cavities). Here is my mom’s secret recipe.

June 11, 2011

Spaghetti Sauce & Chicken Parmesan

There is nothing like a home filled with the aroma of spaghetti sauce -- more specifically -- homemade spaghetti sauce. My mom has cooked hundreds of pots of spaghetti sauce over the years, and if you add her parents into the equation, we are talking thousands…that’s a lot of spaghetti sauce! Growing up, spaghetti was a frequent meal and believe it or not, I despised it.  For some odd reason, about five years ago I fell back in love with this savoury dish. My mom has researched, experimented and tested all kinds of ways to make the best spaghetti sauce. Here is her (and my Grandpa’s) recipe -- I added ground beef and hot peppers to give it Miss Lyn’s personal touch.

June 06, 2011

Blissful Baklava

Patience, time and more patience is what it takes to make this blissful dessert. I was always under the impression that the Greeks were the masterminds behind this sweet dish; however my recent research says different. Many ethnic groups claim they discovered baklava – this dessert is that delicious that everyone wants to believe that they are the geniuses behind it. We may never know who was responsible for this delectable dessert, but the truth is...it doesn't matter!

June 05, 2011

Pounded Yam 101

Do you have what it takes to make pounded yam -- no really, do you? I don’t. I mean I don’t have what it takes to boil a large pot of yams until cooked, place them in a HUGE mortar and pound/beat them until smooth with a three to five foot tall pestle -- come on, I’m only 5’2 to begin with. Thanks to modern technology there is a much simpler way; yam flour (yams processed into a dried powder).

For all those who are curious about pounded yam, it’s actually like mashed potatoes, but smoother, heavier and tastier. Still not sure if you'll like it? Well, consider this, it's believed to be one of the world’s healthiest foods – it’s very rich in fibres, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6.
"You've had the rest, now taste the best"